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Diving activity in the CNB

Sessions take place at the Villeneuve Saint Georges swimming pool on Mondays from 9pm to 10:30pm (exit from the pool at 10:15pm)

No sessions during school holidays.

The diving pool of Lagny sur Marne: 1 session per month only for the holders of a N1 minimum.

The N1 in preparation will be able to access it at the end of their training.

The technical outing: 1 week to pass the N2 and N3.

The club outing in May-June or September coupled with the technical outing, the N1 can take advantage of it to validate the 4 dives in the natural environment.

The price of these outings is not included in the registration fee.

The technical certificates:

To prepare the level 1: In the pool, theoretical and practical preparation. Validation in the pool.

To prepare the level 2:

To have the N1 or equivalent.
To have 20 dives in the sea: present your logbook.
Follow the theoretical courses proposed.
To prepare in the pool and in the pit.
Validation in the open water.

To prepare for Level 3 :

Have the N2 or equivalent.
To have 20 dives in sea in autonomy and 5 dives of 20 to 40m: to present its logbook.
Follow the theoretical courses proposed.
Prepare yourself in the pool and in the pit.
Validation in the open water.


The price does not cover additional insurance (check with your insurer that it covers diving, otherwise the FFESSM has an agreement with Axa (tables of guarantees can be downloaded from the site).

This insurance is strongly recommended to pass the certificates and participate in the outings.

Documents to be provided

The medical certificate (CACI): to be presented as soon as possible - MANDATORY to participate in the activity and to create a first licence. (form to be downloaded from the website)

Certification card and logbook: to be presented to the TD for any request for certification and participation in club outings.

Parental authorization for minors. (form to download on the website)

Creation date : 06/29/2020 15:25
Category : - GuppY 6
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